One identifies themselves as the fusion of their beliefs, behaviours and interests. The concept of ‘Culture’ defines the pattern of knowledge, tastes, arts, and laws that are specific to a community as their “way of living “. You can also look at culture as the ‘habits’ of a civilization. A person’s culture unites them with those who exhibit similar patterns and lets them stand out from others.
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Cultural Awareness serves as the bridge between our differences and enables cultures to constantly exchange ideas and achievements. For the world to truly and wholly interpret its status as a “global village ” it is monumental that cultures embrace each other and work in tandem to attain greater objectives.
Citations :
Power Words :
- Tendency
- Execute
- Jurisdiction
- Integral
- Empathetic
- Prejudices
- Resemblance
- Allotted
- Jeopardize
- Monumental
- Acknowledgement
- Interwoven
- Periphery
- Embrace
- Tandem
- Preconceived
- Rational
- Hierarchical bureaucracy
- Stereotypes
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