Meet the first ever “Times Kid Of The Year” Gitanjali Rao
The first kid ever to be chosen as “Times Kid of the Year” by Times Magazine is a 15-year-old Indian ...
The first kid ever to be chosen as “Times Kid of the Year” by Times Magazine is a 15-year-old Indian ...
When you think of Sudha Murty, what are the first things that pop into your mind? Easy-to-read books such as ...
Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, an Indian-American won Sveriges Riksbank Nobel prize in 2019 along with Esther DufloEsther Duflo is an American-French ...
They say, "If your passion becomes your profession, you will be a legend". But for this man, his passion and ...
Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of He has been renowned as the richest ...
The word ‘genius’ is usually associated with a stigma that either says ‘god gifted’ or ‘intelligent since birth.’ However, this ...
There has always been an argument regarding talent being the catalyst for a person’s success rather than skill. The talent ...
As per Albert Einstein's educational philosophy, education is not about learning facts, but training the mind for thinking about ideas. ...
In the phases of turbulence and gloom, often many get swayed and take actions that turn into regret afterwards. However, ...
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, shortly Greta Thunberg, known for her campaign against climate change and global warming, became an ...
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